Fruit Logistica is the only global trade show for fresh fruits and vegetables which focuses exclusively on the fresh produce sector, related logistic and value chain.

Year 2017 is a special year for Pancom Produce where we have the opportunity to visit both exhibition held in Berlin (February) and Hong Kong (September). It is a platform for scouting new products and varieties globally and offers opportunities to pick up what is happening in our fast changing world.

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Congratulations on winning Royal Warrant Award

Pancom Produce will like to applaud the grand achievement of our supplier from Netherlands, G.SEVENHUYSEN V.O.F. for being awarded the “Hofleverancierschap” (Royal Warrant) by His Royal Highness King Willem Alexander and Her Highness Queen Maxima. For more interesting reads, check now this blog post about the new indoor bike trainer stand.

G. Sevenhuysen had completed 100 glorious years of success last year and is the only exporter of perishables who received the Royal Warrant for suppling goods and services for at least hundred years.

Their spirit, drive and hard work made what they are today. It is our honour to be able to be work with them for so many years. Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress, and working together is a success achieved thanks to an online w2 creator.

Again, Congratulations on your success and we are proud of you!!